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January 19, 2023

Battle Report: December 2022

We are sharing with you our key financial numbers and business objectives in the December 2022 edition of the Manfred Battle Report, as well as any big learnings and key advice we have collected along the way. We hope all this will prove useful in providing important lessons for others who are in similar situations […]

December 20, 2022

Battle Report: November 2022

We are sharing with you our key financial numbers and business objectives in the October 2022 edition of the Manfred Battle Report, as well as any big learnings and key advice we have collected along the way. We hope all this will prove useful in providing important lessons for others who are in similar situations […]

November 28, 2022

Postmortem: The New Manfred!

Last week we launched a brand new release of our platform under the pretty bold promise of 'The New Manfred'. In this post, we wanted to tell you all about what was developed during the 3 months prior to the launch, which has propelled us to this very exciting new stage: Manfred no longer runs […]

August 30, 2022

10 things you didn't know about Bárbara, the new Fredder on board!

Hello, Salut, Ciao, Nĭ hăo, Ola, Hola! You may be thinking: «what is going on with this girl? Is she trying to make some kind of tongue-twister?» Nope… I was trying to show up and impress you with a lot of languages. Did I succeed? 😜 Well, as you can imagine, I love learning new […]

July 26, 2022

¡Touchdown! Llega José Manuel, nueva incorporación al equipo de desarrollo

¡Buenas! Soy José Manuel, pero también respondo a Jose o JM. Me dedico a programar desde tiempos del pleistoceno cuando nos juntábamos en casa de algún amigo a aporrear las teclas (gomas) de algún ZX Spectrum para copiar los jeroglíficos que venían en revistas como MicroHobby. ¿Quién soy? Tengo un papel que dice que soy […]

May 25, 2022

Steps of the Tech Recruitment and Selection Process

No two selection processes are the same. They can be quite different depending on the industry and the size of the company. However at Manfred, we know first-hand that the recruitment and selection process in the Tech world have certain characteristics that make it different: conditioned by the high demand for technical talent, compared to the […]

April 13, 2022

Starting Developer Relations at Manfred

I’m Sven, and I’m the first Developer Advocate here at Manfred. To be fair: Manfred has always been doing developer advocacy, with David being THE brand ambassador and creating a lot of noise in the community. Actually, everyone at Manfred is an advocate for developers, and that’s also a big reason why I joined. What […]

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