Manfred Daily
Spread your offers on our Telegram channel with more than 16,000 candidates
what is Manfred Daily?
Manfred's Telegram channel
More than 16,000 subscribers receive 6 public salary offers every day. We choose interesting offers for the community and disseminate our own. If your offer needs visibility, this is the right place.

want to see what Manfred Daily looks like?
Enter right now in the channel and check out today's message.
* You need to have Telegram installed on your computer or access from your mobile ^__^.
How to publish in our channel
- Contact us and tell us about the offer you want to advertise.
- We will tell you what day we will launch it, with what title and how it will be differentiated.
- Channel users see it, click on it and apply.

We tell you what happened to your offer
We share with you how many people have clicked on your offer. We give you a comparison with the rest of the offers we have published that day. We give you conclusions of what has worked and what has not.

I want to try Manfred Daily
2 publications
- 2 same or different publications
- Data on how they have worked
I have several positions
5 publications
- 5 publications the same or different
- Data on how they have worked
- Ability to save remaining publications for another time
20% discount
I need more because it works!
8 publications
- 8 publications the same or different
- Data on how they have worked
- Ability to save remaining publications for another time
- Follow-up and proposals for improvement of offers
25% discount
If you liked this from our Telegram channel, tell us what you need and we'll get started to take your offers to the next level.
Contact manfred