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Manfred daily

Manfred Daily is a Telegram Channel with over 15.000 subscribers to date, who receive 6 fresh job offers every day, including public salary packages. Get Manfred Daily served daily to your phone, and keep up to date with the latest market info at the touch of a button.

Suscribe on Telegram
Manfred on Telegram

Receive interesting job offers even if you aren't (yet) looking for a job.

Manfred Daily is a Telegram channel where we publish 6 fresh job offers, including salary packages, every single day. Get in touch with us to reach our wide technical community.

What the FAQ?

Very simple: so that subscribers have to log in to see them or... they will disappear. It seems an absurd strategy, but if it were there in an unlimited way, the opening rate would probably be much lower, it would not kick start the conversation around "today's daily" and we would not be able to report reliable results...
No! Manfred Daily is a Telegram channel, plain and simple. Join, stay as long as you want, check it out... it's absolutely free for anyone who wants to be part of it.
Here comes another magic of this community: it is absolutely anonymous. You will not be able to see who is there and no one will be able to locate you within it. In fact, we only have permission to post from Manfred. No one else can send messages through the channel.
The 6 job offers arrive in a single message that is sent once a day. We are currently sending it first thing in the morning, both on weekdays and weekends. If you have any suggestions because you think it would work better at a different time, we are always happy to hear them ;).
As a company, you will have the option to publish your job offers in the channel. We will provide you with packs of publications that you can purchase, each of these publications consisting of a job offer that will be published on the channel for one day. Subsequently, we will provide you with the number of clicks the offer receives and feedback on its success relative to the market.
Our prices are public:
  • 2 posts - €100
  • 5 posts - €200
  • 8 posts - €300
  • 12 posts - €400
  • 16 posts - €500
Beam me up!