Helping Juniors

Find your dream job as a Junior

Find out about the general state of the sector, useful tips on how to write an eye-catching CV or how to go in fully prepared to your first interviews. Here you will find a wiki with valuable information, especially for those of you who are finishing your studies or looking for your first job.

Apologies, the articles of the wiki are only available in Spanish.

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Why are we doing this?

Because we often forget that Seniors used to be Juniors. And we also tend to forget that we have all been in that place where you are job hunting for the first time and feeling pretty overwhelmed and lost.

So, if we can lend you a helping hand to make your first steps in the job market easier and more enjoyable, our mission will be accomplished.

Help us to improve

Tell us what you miss, how we can help further, or what you would improve in all this documentation by reaching out to us at

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