Postmortem: The New Manfred!
Publicado el 28 de noviembre de 2022, por Coral Mocquot

Last week we launched a brand new release of our platform under the pretty bold promise of 'The New Manfred'. In this post, we wanted to tell you all about what was developed during the 3 months prior to the launch, which has propelled us to this very exciting new stage: Manfred no longer runs on third party no-code software, we are very proud to say that we now have our very own platform. Developed by ourselves (so developed very well if we may say so ourselves!) all in the name of our beloved Manfredites. There was a special focus on providing the best user experience and making life a little easier .... (you may have already seen co-founder David tell you about this in his video - which by the way is in Spanish amigos).
👼 What went well
- All at once and on time: for once we had plenty of time to prepare the marketing campaign: creative pieces, communications, setup and testing of everything that was developed. Simultaneously starting working on the conceptualisation with the Marketing, Engineering and Development teams at the same time helped massively in being able to do a joint monitoring and testing of the progress.
- Traffic: We had more than 10,000 visits on our platform in a single day.
- To date, 273 people have successfully completed their Manfred Profile by importing their data from LinkedIn.
💩 What didn't go so well
- Human mistakes are inevitable and we are human too: an email piece slipped the net and got sent without a Call to Action or links so that our Manfredites could access their Profile. Shit Happens.

- For no clear or justifiable reason, we did not call on the team of external volunteer-beta-testers to test what we have built or communicated. Nor did we clearly specify in the campaign that the import from LinkedIn is only available when you are a new Manfred user. i.e. Those who had already created a Manfred Profile cannot see it YET in their private area, which understandably - led to a bunch of incoming feedback and generated unnecessary frustration for those people who wanted to update their data quickly, from an pre-existing Profile. From this side of the wall, our heart-felt human apologies 😕 We promise to make it up to you very soon!

🛠️ What we learnt along the way
- With hindsight, we should have waited until the data import from LinkedIn function was ready and available in the Manfredite private area for all our users, to launch everything in the same campaign so as not to confuse anyone.
- We should also count on our beloved volunteer-beta-testers whenever possible (and in this case, it would have been possible due to the timeframes we had).
- Although the traffic results have been positive, the campaign did not stir things up on social media as much as we had thought. We shared David's video online first, which did generate some notoriety, but for this type of product launch, it has become clear to us that resorting to creativity and humour allows us to hack the algorithm and reach many more people.
Anyway, thanks for reading to the end, and remember that if you want to check your Profile data you can always log in here. 😋
Publicado el 28 de noviembre de 2022, por Coral Mocquot
Etiquetas: EquipoComunidad tech