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Battle Report: December 2022

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2023, por Juan Pedro Belmonte

We are sharing with you our key financial numbers and business objectives in the December 2022 edition of the Manfred Battle Report, as well as any big learnings and key advice we have collected along the way. We hope all this will prove useful in providing important lessons for others who are in similar situations to ours or can benefit from them being openly published online. Building in the public eye is not always easy, but we intend to do our very best. 

The month of December was a bit tough for us, I won’t lie. Despite our best efforts, we weren't able to accomplish most of the goals we set. But you know what? We won’t let that get us down. Let's keep hustling and grindin' to ensure that 2023 starts off right. A little setback won’t stop us from achieving greatness. So let’s keep working hard to change how career management is done!

Welcome to our December 2022 Battle Report!
December was time for some Christmas meetings!

Gross Sales (excl. tax): December was a difficult month for all of us, but we must move on, learn from our mistakes and keep fighting. Even if we have not achieved our goals by an awful lot, there is always another chance.

Gross Billings (excl. tax): Pretty similar percentage as sales. Falling sales and billings can be a challenge, but also an opportunity to learn and improve.

Current: Nothing new to see here, after all we have said already. Significant drop on Christmas Season. New year, blank paper.


Gross Sales (exclu. tax) refers to consulting services, Manfred Daily offers, or commissions coming from selection processes.

Gross Billings (excl. tax) refers to invoices sent out. This tends to match Gross Revenue, but we still have a certain time gap and, in addition, the billings take into account any possible corrective invoices that have to be made retrospectively. 

Current refers to the company's total assets and economic rights (cash, assets, outstanding receivables, and dividends).

That's how you start a Battle Report
More Christmas meetings!


In December, we have not been able to complete many of the objectives we set ourselves in November. Despite the complicated stage during which we had to deal with absences related to the Christmas holidays, we have been working hard to make as much progress as possible and leave our projects as advanced as possible.

Despite this, we have been able to achieve some important things that we had on the table. This is just the start of a number of achievements we hope to make in the future, and we're excited to see what else we can achieve in the coming months of a 2023 in which we want to reach the next level. 🔝



  • To sell and invoice at least €270K (😔): Christmas is a difficult time because of the absence not only of colleagues, but also of buddies. Normally, the New Year is a time to evaluate what is missing and to start hiring. Despite all this, we are not trying to make up for the fact that we are €100K short after reaching a total of €170K.

Product & Development

  • Offer alerts (😔): This goal was not accomplished on time, but it will soon be up and running and will be available to all of you. You will never have a harder time finding offers tailored to your preferences. 😌
Are you struggling to find an offer that match your needs? Pretty soon, you’ll forget about it.
  • Onboarding from applying to offers (😔): Currently, we are focusing on other goals, so it is at a standstill. However, stopped does not mean dead, so we will continue to work to make the user experience as easy as possible for all Manfredites.


  • Launch of the Recruitment Process Comparator (😊): Easy peasy. This was a tricky one, as we had it already pretty advanced and ready to go. If you haven’t tried it yet, you can do it by clicking HERE. And guess what? We are still accepting requests. So, if you are part of a company that wants to be a part of it, just contact with us through this form.
  • Livestream on Twitch about Hiring Processes and Transparency (😊): IBAI, WE ARE COMING FOR YOU 😤. We are having some much fun livestreaming on Twitch, and last month we had the pleasure to chit chat with Luis Ibañez from Sparta and Jaime Muñoz from Marketgoo. As well as that, we also broadcasted the first Manfred Awards gala!
Your favourite streamers back at it again
  • Salary Compass Launch, helping Manfredites to find their North (😑): We are getting there, people! December has been a tough month as we said, and we had to navigate through the holidays… but it’s still the most AWESOMIC time of the YEAR. You’ll hear more about this project VERY, VERY soon. Pinky promise 🤝.


  • Launching two hiring processes to join Manfred! (😊): Hello, world! 🖖. Manfred has its doors open to welcome new team members. If you would like to join us as an Account Manager or IT Recruiter, take a look. 👀
  • Get insights from ‘Improve our Remote Culture’ project (😊): This is an ongoing project to improve as a whole, but after some preliminary questions, we have been able to get some interesting insights such as the time that we are spending on meetings per week and ensure that information flows, is transmitted, and the right channels are in place to do this. Here is a sneak peek:


  • Exceeding the number of 60 leads (😑): You have to be kidding me. Last month we missed our goal by three leads, and this time… JUST TWO. Well, we won’t let this happen for a third month in a row 🫡. The BizDev team is working on the right direction and we will soon see the results.



  • To sell and invoice at least €190K: For January, we're going to adjust our expectations a bit from last month. We had a rough month, so we're going to be a bit more realistic this time around. Our goal for the month is going to be to hit 190k in total billing. It's still a pretty solid number, but it's a bit more achievable than before.

Product & Development

  • Offer alerts: We are very close to completing everything we need to be able to offer you a feature that you have been asking for a long time. As a result, you will be alerted whenever an offer appears on our website that meets your configuration parameters. We are also working to improve filtering by technology, role and language.
  • Refactoring of the Architecture: The software architecture had an outstanding technical debt that had become urgent; we will be working on it for several weeks. Despite knowing that it won't be finished for a couple of months, we have started working on it.


  • Salary Compass Launch, helping Manfredites to find their North: We have been putting a lot of effort into this project, and it’s slowly becoming a reality. Our focus is still on bringing you useful tools to improve your professional career. STAY TUNED, ANTÚNEZ. 💙
  • Planning and restructuring of marketing processes for 2023: In order to crush it in 2023, we need to take a step back and examine the things that we are working on and our approach to them and see if they are making the impact that we want. Our team is working very hard to plan this year in the right way so that we can end the year proud of our accomplishments. 💪
Battle Report
Manfred has wizards, and we're not kidding!


  • Back at it with our hiring processes: We took a little break to enjoy the Christmas holidays, but we are back on track. We will start back with the interviewing processes and considering more candidates. If you want to apply for the Account Manager or the IT Recruiter position, you can still do it! 🙌
  • Defining the Brown Bags for 2023: You might be wondering, what exactly are Brown Bags? It's the name we give to the weekly internal training sessions we hold to allow the team to keep learning with input from both within and outside Manfred. It's time to determine what the agenda for these first months of 2023 will be.


  • Exceeding the number of 60 leads: You already know, this is some personal biz. 😎
Battle Report
If your New Year's resolution is to start doing sport, we leave you here Antonio and Luis representing Manfred in the race of the companies.
Publicado el 19 de enero de 2023, por Juan Pedro Belmonte
Etiquetas: EquipoWeAreAtWar