Sr. Data Scientist
“If you interrogate the data long enough, it will confess…”
We’re in the verge on becoming one of the most successful company reaching break even in less than a year. And just, by being truly diligent about caring for companies’ data. Are you ready to help them to achieve this and much more greater feats?
¿Qué harás?
CQISense is a customer-focused data company, providing outstanding data insights through correlation of companiesʼ dimensions. Conwayʼs law is eventually happening in every company, so they stood up and ¡surprise! breaking silos is profitable, and a fun problem to solve 🥳.
“Big data is dead, long live big data.” Theyʼve tried and just a few succeeded. Data is useless unless focus and knowledge take place. Companies are growing faster than their ability to understand customersʼ processes. There is where their product shines, proving that customer care is not a department but a whole company goal.
They know why data is hard, it is all about context. After 15+ years in the Telco field, founders become experts in translating complex problems to clear processes, and they are ready to productionize it 🏭. The aim is simple, create the most comprehensive and detailed data aggregation company in the world, and they will need you to make it real.
Tu evolución

En 1 mes
You will know all the existing data pipelines by hand and creates insights for an ever growing data-{pond,lake, sea,galaxy?} to distil meaning and customers’ journeys from it.
Tus responsabilidades
You will design, implement and maintain optimization models over the current data pipelines.
Provide guidance and lead others in solving data integrations between ML, ETL, cloud storage and all the pieces involving stream and pipelining information in real time.
Work with a focused fast paced team, integrating your knowledge and expertise to the needs and skills of the whole team.
¿Cómo lo harás?
They believe in great people does do great products so, they are obsessed hiring great people first 👉🔥🚀. As you can expect they build things iteratively and focusing on functional delivery while keeping a impressive operational delivery times and best practices, they love what they do and it permeates on what they create.
A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.
Frank Herbert (First Law of Mentat), Dune (1984)
They love to understand the why’s and the hows, and for it, you will end up knowing by hand customers’ journeys, services, and issues to foresee operational bottlenecks and prevent them. They like to keep things simple, you’re aware of how hard is to synthesize simplicity on deep complex structures, right?
They put on production some intense computational models, and they will need you to have some one-of-a-kind analytical mind 🧠, are you ready for the challenge?!
¿Cuándo trabajarás?
They have real flexible working hours, around 9:00 to 18:00 (CEST -Madrid), with one hour for lunch up to you. Some people has different needs, like taking kids from the schools and they’re committed to have a great work-life balance for everybody.
22 díasJornada laboral
Flexible¿Dónde trabajarás?
Actually… Wherever you want to! This position is remote friendly, just they wanted to know you first, so be ready to be teased work a couple of months in their amazing offices in Majadahonda. Not all places have direct views to a forest and they take some pride on it! 🌲🌳🌲 If it’s unfeasible they will work around it, don’t worry. After the initial onboarding you can be whenever you like, as long as you're able to attend when the founders come to share great news (which is usually one week per month).
¿Con quién trabajarás?
Right now they’re 6+ amazing peers, with a really open and horizontal structure. These are some of your future coworkers.
- Iván Marbán (Founder and Head of Product): He is the brain of the company, and he always keeps all the team on track by providing the spicy data 🌶️.
- Saúl Tavira (Head of Advanced Analytics): He is the Explorer of their team, he will foresee hidden paths and solutions even before they exist. Bonus point, you can’t be bored around him.
- Álvaro Parra (Lead Data Engineer): He is one of their pillars in the company, he’s always aware of the bottleneks and problems around mixing data around simplicity wins it all.
Besides they have some incredible founders (just ask for Samu or Max) and a side company that helps them with everything they're not able to reach. (Contextual)
¿Qué piden?
You have proven experience dealing with high volume data with SQL
You have built numerical models to optimally solve abstract problems. Linear programming, simulators, numerical methods and productionized and mantained recommendation algorithms.
Bachelor’s Degree on Math, Physics, Statistics or Engineering fields with High statistic academic content.
You have at least 3 years of professional experience as a Data Scientist or related field
Proven knowledge of Python, notebooks and specialised data science libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, pyTorch, Tensorflow or similar.
You are familiar with data analytics platform on GCP, Azure or Watson.
Open to try new technologies and programming, We love to develop vertically, so creating our own web views is our daily basis and you should not being afraid of doing it!
Strong communication skills. The right candidate can thrive in an environment of asynchronous conversation, and translate functional requirements into numerically optimizable problems.
Strong organizational, and time-management skills with the ability to succeed in a fast-paced environment with changing requirements and priorities.
Highly motivated, independent, and deeply passionate about solving complex and translating them to the final customers.
Fluency in English.
This gives extra points:
- You have experience with MLOps and some tools like Polyaxon.
- You have strong SQL skills and knowledge and familiarity with time-series analytics, and strong understanding of it.
- Strong understanding of Data Orchestration tools (ie. Apache Airflow)
Avanzado SQL
Estaría bien
Intermedio Google Cloud
Otras habilidades
Capacidad de autogestión
Pensamiento analítico
Comunicación verbal
Estaría bien
Aprendizaje Continuo
Autonomía en el aprendizaje
Suma puntos
Tolerancia a la incertidumbre
¿Qué ofrecen?
🗺️ Career Plan
🖥️ Top-of-the-line equipment. (MacBook Pro, 27”+ screen…)
♥️ Work-live balance
Seguro de salud
Eventos de formación internos
Dinámicas y eventos de teambuilding
Pack de bienvenida
Retribución Flexible
Capacidad de transformar parte del salario en pagos en especie como: cheques-guardería o Tickets Restaurant.
What the FAQ?
Yes, as long as you have an EU or UK passport... For administrative reasons, we won't bore you.
The truth of the matter is that they really need to fill the position like YESTERDAY, so they will try to be as agile as possible. Having said this, we are talking about a very important and critical position for the company, so the process has several phases:
- Cultural fit & Tech interview: coffee talk with Saúl, (Head of Advanced Analytics). It's possible that this one will be the only interview in the process. It's a long talk, and they have a lot of experience to evaluate great with some tech questions.
- Meet with some members of the team (optional).