Best candidates

Reduce the time and effort you spend on recruitment processes by hitting the nail on the head. Interview few but very good people thanks to Talent Engine.

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Perfect match between offer and candidates

Get quality applications by writing a good offer together with us. And forget about endless searches. We do the search for you, and present you with few but very good profiles.

Don't waste your time sifting through hundreds of CVs.

Reviewing all the people who apply for a position takes a lot of time. If you also want to answer them well, even more. And the problem is that many of them don't match what you're looking for.

With Talent Engine, we take care of filtering out the people who apply and the people we are looking for, so you have more time for yourself.

Few candidates = good interviews

Quantity is often antagonistic to quality. That's how we see it. Having a lot of candidates does not mean they are good.

We turn the equation around. We present you with few candidates because we have already filtered the applications and our searches.

And it doesn't work badly for us: more than 70% of the candidates presented go on to interview with the technical team. And 1 out of every 4 submitted ends up being hired.

Shall we talk?

If you want us to tell you more or if you still have any doubts, you can book your demo by filling out the form below.

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